Story 92 And the winner is….

Once upon a time there was an inventor with a very restless mind.

And everyday she would research new technologies, review scientific journals and any other interesting material she could find looking for her next idea or inspiration for a project or invention.

Until one day she read an article about robotics, and even watched a video or two, that piqued her interest in that field.

And because of this she began planing for everything she would need. She started procuring some tools and even some materials and components.

And because of this she realized  that she would need to find a way to maintain a steady supply of resources and access to cutting edge technology. So she applied for every robotic, science and even medical research grant that was she was eligible for. She even contacted several suppliers and companies about sponsorship.

Until finally she had a few research grants approved and was even contacted by a supplier abut sponsorship and collaboration.

And ever since that day she’s been creating the monthly “Bag-O-Parts” that her sponsor sells. They also hold quarterly competitions, based on the random monthly materials, that she helps judge as part of her collaboration and sponsorship agreement for access to the company’s cutting edge resources.

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